According to blogger I haven't posted here since 2010 and I can say that it
does feel that way. I haven't been inactive, however I have been silent as I've been searching for me. I am not quite sure I can say I've "Found" myself, however I am finding that through whatever struggles I have I enjoy the physical exertion that comes with getting out and moving. There is something mind clearing in the silence of running or walking - in the effort and the dedication it takes to commit to the activity of your choice.
For me, I used to enjoy running...these days running is effort. I enjoy being outside and I hope that one day I get back to the point where I enjoy running, but for now, I take it one day at a time and let myself absorb all the little things about the activity that I tend to overlook when I'm focused on the outcome.
When I was training I was focused on the end goal, be it a certain time or a set distance, there came a point where I had to push myself to reach whatever I was aiming for. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, because I think if we ever want to get better then these are a necessary part of what we go through. What I'm saying is that in this process I found that I was pushing much more that I was enjoying the simplicity of what I was doing. Simplicity in the colors of the sun setting in the horizon, the birds chirping on a rail in the cool morning air, the sound of each step as it carries you down the pavement, the smell of the air after the rain ... the things no gym can ever provide.
So as I start back down this path, I leave you with this...
"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
-John Bingham