Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not a quitter...

Well today is a down day. I made it home from work today just exhausted. It's wednesday, typically my day to do step, however I decided to just head home and hit the treadmill. Not sure why today is so exhausting, maybe I just hit a low point mid-afternoon because all of the sudden I was tired and I hadn't been all day.

Anyhow, I got home and spent some time with my kids trying to work up the energy (convience myself) to get on the treadmill. 45 minutes later I made myself start walking. 2 miles later I'm still tired and the kids need me so I stop. Truth be told, I struggled to walk the second mile, want to quit but I didn't. I didn't make my goal of 3 miles today but hopefully tomorrow will be better. I did manage to walk 3mi yesterday so I'm happy with the progress.

This is my start to focusing on exercising...the diet hasn't been great (I had 3 cokes today) and nothing diet...why, well not really sure, could blame it on hormones, but I guess basically it's just because I'm tired and drinking a dr. pepper or having dessert makes me feel better. We'll see if tomorrow is any better than today.

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