Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On the Road again....

Yep it's that song, but it's also what I've been doing. I'm making a conscious effort to run each day, get out and be physical and do what I can to improve on my times (at least on my endurance).

Monday I made it to the pavement and did 1.3 mi, not much but it was something. It was a pretty cold day out and I was suprised on how good it actually felt to be running.

My thoughts for this week were that I would gradually increase my distance. I went out this weekend and maped out a few routes with different distances so hopefully this will help.

Tuesday, I wanted to make it out, but I didn't. Soccer practice for my daughter came up (normally on Friday) so instead I went and kicked/chased the ball with the hub for about 30 min. Not the same as a run but I wasn't completely a bum.

Wednesday, I ran 2 laps today (each is about 1.3 mi around the area) so I did 2.5 mi total. It was slow at first and while my brain didn't need coercing my legs sure did. My sides cramped up and my lungs burned but by the second lap around (I hurt) but it did get a bit easier.

Mentally I am enjoying this more than physically. The air has been chilled when I run and I feel as if I have a smokers cough after I get finished. I'm sure this will get better with time and training, but it sure isn't fun now!

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