Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Running vs. Slumping

I don't know what happened to me, but I feel like I've fallen into a hole or rather 'slumped' over and don't want to run much. I'm not sure why, the weather has been rather nice and I was feeling pretty good prior to this, but all the sudden my running is just not fun right now.

Sad really.

Yesterday was monday training and even though I went, I did not want to go. I spent the entire day having a silent battle with myself

- You really should go...
- No, I don't want to go, maybe I can get sick
- You're such a faker...why pretend to be sick no one cares
- I know, but I'm tired, I just want to watch tv

(no, I'm not completely crazy, just sound like it when I put it out here) hehe

I get into these ruts, I eventually get out, it's the time in between that is so hard. The bad part about all this is the fact that I am going on vacation in about a week and don't want to train that week, so I really should be running this week.

Why is it so hard to run during the summer??


Amy said...

Yeah, but see... perserving through a slump makes you that much prouder of yourself! When you get out there and actually run, even when you really didn't want to... makes you feel that much better!

April said...

Get your ass up and RUN!!! (sometimes a little encouragement helps:) I expect you to do the same for me)

tootie said...

I think everyone goes through periods when they lack motivation.

I usually try to trick myself - I'll say that I'll only run for 10 minutes. But usually, once I'm out there, I'm ok, and I'll finish the whole workout.

Just don't give up!

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for your encouraging comments, and let's make a pact to get out and run for the next week. Baby steps!