Saturday, July 26, 2008

Early Bird gets the worm

Or in my case, a nice long run complete with sore feet from hell! :)

Yes, you read it right, I actually got out of bed early enough to make it across town for a long group fun. I was seriously contemplating going with the group that was headed out at 5am, but that would entail leaving my house at 4am and well, that just wasn't happening. I did make it to the 6 o'clock run though.

It was my first run with the group and I'm happy to say I did not die...actually I ran 1/1 instead of the normal 2/1 I run when I am running at home and had no issues keeping the pace. I got a 9 mi run in today and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm a little tired, but that is ok.

Actually I thought it was a great way to start the day. I got the run in and then I came home, destressed, painted my kitchen, juggled my 3 kids AND made some fresh salsa for my dinner. (Ok, so chips and salsa is not the healthiest dinner, but its what I have been craving)

All in all, its been a great end to a pretty good week. Hope yours ended with a bang!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I posted earlier about being a heat sissy, which most of the time I feel like. The heat is stifling most days and I feel like I am choking on the air, but even with all of this I want to do it.

Does that sound strange?

I want to run. I want to be there. I want to push myself beyond my limits. I want to break free of my self imposed stipulations that say I cannot do this...I could never do this.

I feel that what I am doing now is nothing great...but I do have the belief that it will get me to where I want to be. No, I doubt I will be in the top 10 finishers (lofty goals for a 1st timer) but I can't help but dream the big dream when it comes to this marathon. Maybe it is because I am a first timer that I have so much hope...who knows.

I know that after a night like tonight where I ran 6 miles of feet are sore and my legs are tired. I was hot and covered in sweat. At the end of it I felt good though...I felt like I had accomplished what I set out to do and oddly enough - I am looking forward to Saturday.

Until then...happy trails to you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Heat Sissy

In the words of Mark Higginbotham

Don't you be lame or iffy lest you become a heat sissy! reference to the southern heat and training.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fuel for running

It's friday, which means I should have run hills last night - BUT - I did not. Actually, I had a wonderful date night with the hub at which I showcased my 'sexy running' calves by wearing (and dancing in) my super cute, super cool heels! (I know this is about running, not awesome chick shoes!)

Anyhow, the problem with date night was that it was on my scheduled running night so I decided in advance to run on Wednesday instead. I got all ready to go and realized the hub had errands and would be gone for a few hours.

I waited.

I waited some more.

I fed the kids, skipped dinner, and waited.

Eventually he came home, but I was already aggrevated = stressed so I headed out the door to run at 8pm. It was getting dark...I don't usually run in the dark and the hub was a little curious as to why I was running. All I knew was that I needed to get away and until I felt better.

So, I ran.

I didn't venture very far, I ran in my neighborhood around this little path of houses. It's about a mile and a half for the whole loop, I am not very far from home and can do it for as long or short as I want. My point (to this long story) is that I was stressed when I left and I ran, ran, ran, ran some more until it was all gone. It was like someone had charged up the batteries completely and I just felt like I could go forever.

I only ran about 6 miles because it was getting late and dark and the hub already thought I was crazy, but still...

Do certain things motivate your runs more than others?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The road goes on forever...

"...and the party never ends." Another set of lyrics to a Robert Earl Keen song (way back when) - but in the spirit of music this week, it sums up the start of training.

Many of you (myself included) train day in and day out to prepare for something. Some it's a marathon, some it's a triathalon, some it's just getting back to the basics of running...but either way, it is a continuous process.

Yesterday was Monday training session and true to form, when it was time to change clothes and head to the running site, I did not want to go. Remember, I had done a long run the day before and I could feel the soreness setting in, the heat from the day, my desire to crawl in bed (because my children are getting sick which makes for long nights) and blah blah blah. Anyhow, I went anyway (because that is what a good runner does) HA - and I actually enjoyed being there. It really helped ease some of my soreness and I'm feeling much better today.

I was tired afterwards, I'm tired today - but I will still be swimming after work. I might not want to, but as the song says...

The road goes on forever and the party never ends!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Back to Life...

"...Back to reality" are the words to a song originally released in 1989. These are the words that kept playing in my head as I headed out for a long run yesterday.
back to life back, to the present time
back from a fantasy
I had basically taken 2 weeks off from running, I had take one week off from pretty much everything (and played catch up with my alcohol consumption) and then I came back and started swimming but still no running. So starting out yesterday I had high hopes...yep, but it was short lived!

My first 15 minutes I felt refreshed and good. It's always hot and humid here, but yesterday was cloudy and on the verge of raining (it was sprinkling) and I thought it was a great time to run. I was starting to believe my time off had done me good when all of the sudden my brain kicked into overdrive and tried to convince me I was tired and sore and hot and blah, blah, blah.
That's right, 15 minutes into a LONG run, I began to think I didn't really want to do this and really just wanted to go back home.

I knew that if I could just get past this stage, it would get easier (it always does) problem is - I have to get there first! So what did I do to overcome this?? Hum...well...I talked to myself. I know this sounds retarded (you don't have to tell me that) but it worked. For the next 45 minutes I would remind myself (out loud so I could hear it) that I wanted this, I could do it, it didn't really hurt - it was all in my head. I went on and on (in 45 minutes you can get pretty creative.) worked and I got thru it and was good to go for the next hour.

On a side note - yesterday I tried some 'tri-berry gu' - interesting stuff. I liked the way it made me feel, energy wise, however the taste, well, not so great. I'd squeeze it in my mouth and then choke it down with a drink of water. It's very GU'ish...thick and strange, kind of reminds me of GlUe...haha. I like the portability of it and like I mentioned - it does give me the additional boost when taking long runs so I won't complain too loudly. I just wish some of this energy stuff tasted better!

Does anybody have recommendations for energy products that have worked for them?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Official Marathon

I'm back!! I'd like to finish the sentence with "better than ever" but the truth is it's more like "slacker is me."

I had a wonderful time on vacation - I didn't do any runs and yes, I missed it. I was going to pack my running shoes, but decided I would leave them here to save space. A few days into my trip, however had me standing at the shoe store looking for a pair of running shoes. I looked and looked, but did not buy. I passed them over in favor of my well worn, already broken in ones at home and decided I would take a walk instead.

Walk, I did. Lots of it as well as swim, so I wasn't a complete sloth, just a partial one. I've been back home now for a few days and I have been swimming in the afternoon after work. I try to squeeze in 30-45 minutes of laps (I'm working my way up to an hour+) before I pick up the kids, it's been working ok except I feel VERY tired afterward. I mean, by the time I've worked an 8hr day, gone swimming for 30 min, picked up the kids, cooked dinner and gotten everybody settled for the evening all I want to do is grab a pillow and snooze away. I guess in my own way I am already in a marathon! HA

Anyhow, I thought I would go ahead and mention it is official. I have been half commited but as of today, I'm 100% in. A while back, I made the decision to run a marathon. Ok, not just run a marathon, but run the St. Jude Marathon held in Memphis in December. This has been my goal I've been planning for and training for. I've mentally challenged myself and physically been preparing. The problem?? Well, I hadn't committed, I hadn't officially registered for it - even though I had planned to, nothing was official.

Today it is. I guess part of me held onto the idea I would get hurt or maybe even I wouldn't go thru with it, but nah...I've paid my entry fee and I've signed on the dotted line and now I'm on the roster. Yep, it's official. On December 6, 2008 - I will run (notice I did not say attempt) my very first marathon. I may be worse off by the time I get to the finish line, but I will make it to the finish line...eventually!

Nothing like putting it all out there to hold myself accountable huh?!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Thought I would drop a line to let you guys know that I am taking a few days off for vacation!


I talked it over with my coach and he said to just take it easy which means I won't be doing any 'real' runs this week. I've got mixed emotions about this. While I don't plan on planting my butt on the couch the entire time, I am terrified I will loose some of the ground I've made thus far. He has assured me it will be fine so I am willing to take his advice (it's been pretty sound thus far.)

So I will be back next week with regular updates as to how my training is going...we'll also see how taking a week off affects my overall feelings.

Hope everyone else has a great week!