Thursday, July 10, 2008

Official Marathon

I'm back!! I'd like to finish the sentence with "better than ever" but the truth is it's more like "slacker is me."

I had a wonderful time on vacation - I didn't do any runs and yes, I missed it. I was going to pack my running shoes, but decided I would leave them here to save space. A few days into my trip, however had me standing at the shoe store looking for a pair of running shoes. I looked and looked, but did not buy. I passed them over in favor of my well worn, already broken in ones at home and decided I would take a walk instead.

Walk, I did. Lots of it as well as swim, so I wasn't a complete sloth, just a partial one. I've been back home now for a few days and I have been swimming in the afternoon after work. I try to squeeze in 30-45 minutes of laps (I'm working my way up to an hour+) before I pick up the kids, it's been working ok except I feel VERY tired afterward. I mean, by the time I've worked an 8hr day, gone swimming for 30 min, picked up the kids, cooked dinner and gotten everybody settled for the evening all I want to do is grab a pillow and snooze away. I guess in my own way I am already in a marathon! HA

Anyhow, I thought I would go ahead and mention it is official. I have been half commited but as of today, I'm 100% in. A while back, I made the decision to run a marathon. Ok, not just run a marathon, but run the St. Jude Marathon held in Memphis in December. This has been my goal I've been planning for and training for. I've mentally challenged myself and physically been preparing. The problem?? Well, I hadn't committed, I hadn't officially registered for it - even though I had planned to, nothing was official.

Today it is. I guess part of me held onto the idea I would get hurt or maybe even I wouldn't go thru with it, but nah...I've paid my entry fee and I've signed on the dotted line and now I'm on the roster. Yep, it's official. On December 6, 2008 - I will run (notice I did not say attempt) my very first marathon. I may be worse off by the time I get to the finish line, but I will make it to the finish line...eventually!

Nothing like putting it all out there to hold myself accountable huh?!

1 comment:

April said...

Yay! You're running St. Jude! And glad to hear you had a good cross trained all week...nothing wrong with that!