Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rain, rain - won't you stay?

Please don't leave ... it's much easier to run when your here than with the heat and humidity when your gone!!

Yes, that is how I felt today - this morning to be exact. I had spent all week gearing myself up for a 2 hr long run this morning. Nope, I didn't have a clue where I was going, I was just going to head out to where ever the road takes me. The weather man (like they know what their talking about) was forcasting rain yesterday and today. There was none yesterday, just some clouds and some humid and very hot mid-south heat. Then last night about 8 it started thundering and lightening and the skys just sort of opened up. Oh yeah..time to cool off.

My first thought was that it would be great to run today, then I thought it might be raining and I'd wait until sunday, but nope, it was wet out, but not raining today when I finally decided to crawl out of bed. I decided I would bribe the kids (and the hubby too) with some also doubled as a warm up. I ran over to the donut shop (about 1/2) mile, picked up some goodies and headed back. I quickly dropped them off and out the door I went. It was about 8:30am, a few clouds in the sky and the air wasn't too bad. I thought I had it made. 30 minutes later I rounded a corner and if the clouds didn't part and make way for the sun - yep I could feel the heat around me. It was like an oven and I was the pot roast!

I sucked it up (because at this point there was no turning back) and kept putting one foot in front of the other. I ran by where I work, which doubled as a quick water refueling station, and then headed for home. 2hrs later and a bit of energy lighter I had completed it. I was soaked, red faced and tired, but you know what? I wouldn't change a thing!


K.C. said...

Just talking to someone tonight about you. About your stamina. He is a runner too. He lives across the street from me.

He is just about sick of listening to me whine. I think I have worn out my welcome on the whining about it all. I really do "think" that I want to run. His advice? Just do it then. He really does say that it is that easy...

Why doesn't it feel that easy to me? Any advice?

Kellan said...

That is the thing about following the road - it will eventually end up being 2 miles - HA! I wouldn't know, of course - only travel the road in my car - not much of a runner. Sounds exhilerating - it does!!

Have a good day - Kellan

K.C. said...

Thanks for taking so much time to give the advice to me. Really am going to take it to heart.

Wanting the "want" to do it. I THINK that I have it. I keep talking about it. I do think that it is mostly mental with me. I spent 20 minutes at a party talking about it with the guy across the street that runs constantly. He gave the same advice as you do.

He stays a bit frustrated, but not too much. You all must understand where we are coming from, because usually he will ask, "Is today the day?" and when I make up some lousy excuse, he totally understands and says, "It's coming, I promise."

Thanks again... Kayce

April said...

Good job! Even though it was still pretty warm, it felt so much better being a couple of degrees less. Glad you had a great run:)