Thursday, August 7, 2008

Facing The 26.2 Dragon

Every so often I mention the St. Jude Marathon I am going to run on December 6. (notice I said "GOING TO RUN" - positive affirmations)For the past 6 months or so I've been running in an effort to build up mileage and strength so that I can complete the 26.2 mile race without injury. In this process I have gotten a trainer to help with the preparation for the race because I have never done this before. Yesterday - he finally sent out the specific training schedules for the race and I have to admit that I was a little shocked and then a little frightened by what I received.

For some of you, the mere idea of ever running 26.2 miles for FUN - is delusional. I too used to be of this mindset. I usually joke my kids drove me to this point, but the truth is I enjoy running (most days.) When I first started training (8 weeks after my daughter was born) Walking 2 miles was hard, running 4 miles seemed difficult and 26.2 that was beyond psychotic at the time. Eventually, 2 miles turned into 4 which has turned into 10 and sometimes 12 miles. Running 6 is an easy thing now.

What's the problem?

Well, when I was reviewing the training schedule I noticed the 20 & 24 mile runs on there over the next few months and honestly, those numbers seem, well...a little frightening. I've been saying these numbers for a while now - telling myself "sure, whats a few more miles than what you've already been doing." Truth is, seeing them in black and white is a whole new ball game. Regardless of what I thought before, they seem to be looming ahead in all their massive glory.

I'm sure, much of it is still in my head and once I face this dragon it will seem much smaller than I's just the getting there that is the hard part.

Have you ever wanted to do something only to find when you are facing it head on, it's more frightening than you imagined?


April said...

Hmmm...maybe moving to Japan.
But seriously, I know how you feel when you say you get freaked out seeing those 20+ milers on paper. It is intimidating, but like you said...the miles build and you get stronger with each one. Just take it a day at a time!

Thanks for the encouraging words on my last post! It makes me feel a little less afraid:)

tootie said...

I can relate to exactly what you're saying. I look at the coming weeks in the training schedule and think "can I really do this?"

But I try to focus on how far I've come. Like you, I never ran more than a few (3-4) miles at a time before I started this training. Just think - now we're running mileage in the double digits! That's definitely something to celebrate. :)

Amy said...

Don't stress about what you'll be doing in a few weeks... the whole point is to build up to it, and by the week that you're supposed to run your first 20 miler comes up, you'll be ready and it will only be a few more miles than you ran the week before. Try to think of it as baby steps instead of as the whole enchilada.

You'll do great and definitely get there!

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

I have been inspired to run a 5K, to me it does seem impossible b/c I need to loose major fat b/f I take on a big task such as a marathon, which would be way out of my reach. But I know that as soon as I cross the finish line I would want to do a marathon not just a 5k...

you are very motivational....