Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wine-O in the Slacker Department

Yes, I realize it has been a very long time since I posted here. Yes, I also realize this blog is supposed to follow my training on my marathon....which is why I've been a bit absent.

*hangs head in shame*

I've been a slacker. There I said it. I'm not entirely sure how it happened but I'm betting it has something to do with a bottle of wine and a really crappy week at work.

All was going relatively well - not drinking, training, eating right was all coming along great. A few weeks ago I ran the longest distance to date (20 mi) and was feeling pretty motivated when it call kind of blew up around me. I woke up one day, went to work - had one of the crappiest days ever and I decided to forgo running (feeling confident that tomorrow would be better.) The next day was much the same and the next and the next. Then my husband (the wonderful man that he is) came home with a few (ok, more like 8) bottles of wine and boy, did it sound good when he offered me a glass. Sad to say...but it was all down hill from that point on.

The weekend rolled around and my long run was prolonged because I decided to drink and stay up late (20mi was not appealing at 4am.) The following week - I found more excuses not to go run despite my new gadget (Garmin Forerunner 305). I did manage to break out of my funk long enough to run 2 (yes, I said a measly 2 miles) and test this little bad boy out - but then it lay dormant once again. Next thing I knew the weekend was upon me, it was a holiday and I slacked off again for some more wine.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Monday should have been a running day - it wasn't.

Tuesday - the hub decided to put an end to my slacking and demanded I go out and run 10mi. Ok...I will - I said to him, but 20 minutes later I had not left. I was putting dinner together, working homework with my oldest and just simply busy. Once again he said "YOU NEED TO GO RUN" and this time he did not stop until I gave in.

Run - well I went out for a run and I ended up doing 3.5 miles before I was hot and thirsty and when I came home for a quick drink I decided I rather liked being in the comfort of my AC. He took one look at my new 'tracking device' and said..."You need to go back out and keep running."


I knew he was right, but I didn't want to. After some more chiding about 'how much progress I was losing by not running - I went back out for another 3.5 mi. I'm hoping it is enough to break me out of my funk - I only have 12 weeks until my marathon and I can't really afford to slack. So I will be better at posting AND training.

Oh yeah, stay tuned I've got a review coming of my new toy - I am very excited about this gadget (even though I am still testing all the features!)

Anyone else find that running funk? How did you break out of it?


Amy said...

Wow... apparently we are all in it, huh? It's like the universal fall marathon funk time or something.

I think that acknowledging the funk is the first step to overcoming the funk.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i've kinda been in that funk for like 15 years. that's sad...i do the elliptical instead! i'm sorry i'm not much help!

April said...

I'm not sure...I think I just wait it out...or try and do some cross training so I don't fall completely out of shape! We've all been there!!

Danyele Easterhaus said... thankful u commented me on today' blog! my kiddos have relationships with bio fams...and i hope that continues. we see birth moms about every 2 months and it helps the kids understand who they biologically are related to...and who they look like.

tootie said...

Yes!!! I'm definitely in a running funk. I did 16 miles a few weeks ago, but I haven't done as much since then.

And I feel defeated sometimes because running even 3 or 4 miles still feels hard!

But I have faith that we will get through this...and cross that finish line in a couple months!