Monday, July 14, 2008

Back to Life...

"...Back to reality" are the words to a song originally released in 1989. These are the words that kept playing in my head as I headed out for a long run yesterday.
back to life back, to the present time
back from a fantasy
I had basically taken 2 weeks off from running, I had take one week off from pretty much everything (and played catch up with my alcohol consumption) and then I came back and started swimming but still no running. So starting out yesterday I had high hopes...yep, but it was short lived!

My first 15 minutes I felt refreshed and good. It's always hot and humid here, but yesterday was cloudy and on the verge of raining (it was sprinkling) and I thought it was a great time to run. I was starting to believe my time off had done me good when all of the sudden my brain kicked into overdrive and tried to convince me I was tired and sore and hot and blah, blah, blah.
That's right, 15 minutes into a LONG run, I began to think I didn't really want to do this and really just wanted to go back home.

I knew that if I could just get past this stage, it would get easier (it always does) problem is - I have to get there first! So what did I do to overcome this?? Hum...well...I talked to myself. I know this sounds retarded (you don't have to tell me that) but it worked. For the next 45 minutes I would remind myself (out loud so I could hear it) that I wanted this, I could do it, it didn't really hurt - it was all in my head. I went on and on (in 45 minutes you can get pretty creative.) worked and I got thru it and was good to go for the next hour.

On a side note - yesterday I tried some 'tri-berry gu' - interesting stuff. I liked the way it made me feel, energy wise, however the taste, well, not so great. I'd squeeze it in my mouth and then choke it down with a drink of water. It's very GU'ish...thick and strange, kind of reminds me of GlUe...haha. I like the portability of it and like I mentioned - it does give me the additional boost when taking long runs so I won't complain too loudly. I just wish some of this energy stuff tasted better!

Does anybody have recommendations for energy products that have worked for them?


kel said...

I am glad to have found your blog. I began running in May did my first 5K on July 3rd, and am doing a quarter marathon in November. I am really enjoying it well as much as I will ever enjoy excercise.

Amy said...

Great job on kicking your mind's ass in your long run.

As far as energy supplements go... I've tried a bunch of the flavors of gu.. they are all kind of gu-ey tasting... April is the expert on gu, so I'm sure she will have some recommendations for you on her faves.

I used sport beans for awhile... I liked them a lot... easy to eat, yummy tasting, but they started giving me heartburn sometimes on a run, so I stopped using them. But might be worth a shot for you, if you can't get used to the gu.

tootie said...

Ha! I can relate to this in a couple ways...

1) I talk to myself, too! I have to constantly tell myself (in my head) "you can do this" when it gets tough so I won't quit.

2) Yes, I call it "GlUe," too! I'm starting to get used to it, though. I tried a couple flavors and lemon sublime is my fave. (And it has no caffeine, which works better for me.) I drink it with a LOT of water, so it goes down easier.

Welcome back, and keep going! :)

April said...

Espresso Love Gu is where it's at. It tastes good and also has caffine. I love that stuff. Sport Beans are also pretty good. And one time I ate dried fruit on a long run and it good, too!