Thursday, July 24, 2008


I posted earlier about being a heat sissy, which most of the time I feel like. The heat is stifling most days and I feel like I am choking on the air, but even with all of this I want to do it.

Does that sound strange?

I want to run. I want to be there. I want to push myself beyond my limits. I want to break free of my self imposed stipulations that say I cannot do this...I could never do this.

I feel that what I am doing now is nothing great...but I do have the belief that it will get me to where I want to be. No, I doubt I will be in the top 10 finishers (lofty goals for a 1st timer) but I can't help but dream the big dream when it comes to this marathon. Maybe it is because I am a first timer that I have so much hope...who knows.

I know that after a night like tonight where I ran 6 miles of feet are sore and my legs are tired. I was hot and covered in sweat. At the end of it I felt good though...I felt like I had accomplished what I set out to do and oddly enough - I am looking forward to Saturday.

Until then...happy trails to you!


tootie said...

Keep dreaming the big dreams!

The ones that are difficult (the marathon is definitely in this category) will make accomplishing them that much more satisfying!

April said...

That feeling at the end is what makes it all worth it.

david mcmahon said...

I'm a big heat sissy too - but I;m delighted at the moment because it's mid-winter here in Australia and we've had ice on the cars all week.

My idea of temperature heaven!